O.k. so mostly I keep this record as some sort of journal - it is much easier this way! Sean is now four and a half months old and I can't believe it! We have had many many doctor appointments for him resulting in the knowledge that he is allergic to wheat, peanuts, and dairy. He is not allergic to egg whites, but we have tried several times to get an egg yolk result, only to learn that the lab that processes these things is a poor excuse for a lab. I am not usually this harsh, but I have seen my son poked only to learn that the lab sent the wrong tube to transport the blood work, threw the blood out, or simply forgot to send the blood. This was for other work, not just the egg. I can live without eggs in my diet, but finding out would have been nice as well. *sigh*. We bought special formula (that we had to order online) for babies with allergies, but Sean refuses it. People say I am dedicated to eat what Sean can eat, but for me - still pretty sure that he is our last- I stick with it to make the most of my time with him. At least now I know what he will be going through if he doesn't grow out of his allgergies - and it is hard. I have new understanding of what queen mum's life is like! I am just grateful that Sean and I can have corn =). It's the little things in life =).
Butternut Squash and Goat Cheese Salad
7 years ago
Being allergic to food is not fun, but it is something you can avoid. The worst was being allergic to things that you can't avoid. Pollens of different sorts and other environmental things that you cannot escape is far worse. Shots and medications don't always work and you feel yucky without being able to control it. I'll take "just" food allergies any day. You are dedicated, and we all appreciate your willingness to make his life the best you can. Thanks for being a good mom and wife in our family! We love you!--QM